The following discourse will introduce how to begin writing your Doctoral dissertation for all disciplines. It will define what a dissertation is followed by steps to begin the research and writing process. Doctoral consultations with Dr. Stancil and your own research about writing dissertations will aid you along this journey.
Students registering for the Doctoral Program must have completed their Master’s Degree at Safe Haven or another university or college. A dissertation is a formal treatise on a subject written as partial fulfillment of requirements for a degree, usually the Doctorate. It is an extended discourse or discussion written in an argumentative and learned manner.
It takes effort to organize and present your ideas. Your doctoral dissertation will provide practice in communicating your thoughts clearly. It is a self-teaching method that develops your ability to express yourself effectively in written form while you gain knowledge about your selected thesis or topic. “Experts encourage students to view the dissertation as a teaching exercise, in which they learn how to conduct, design and analyze independent research.” (Melissa Dittman; - American Psychological Association)
Choosing your study area: Select a subject that is of particular interest to you. It should be a topic directly related to the field your degree will be in or your area of ministry calling. There are several aids to assist you in choosing your focal area.
Pray, asking the Holy Spirit to show you what He would have you do.
It also is recommended that you review your lessons on Gift Matching found in the Bachelor’s of Biblical Studies curriculum.
Reviewing the 21 gifts of the Spirit can help you select your topic.
Please confer with Safe Haven faculty, especially Dr. Stancil, for approval of other subjects of interest to you.